Thursday, 6 September 2007

Optimal Raw Food Diet For Better Health

"What You Should Know About the Raw Food Diet — Secrets That Can Save Your Life"

The power of raw foods is not only one of the most well-known "rejuvenation" secrets of celebrities and Hollywood stars (such as Demi Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Sting, Edward Norton, Carol Alt, and many others) it is also a concept that has the potential of giving you what you're looking for: incredible health, increased energy, and a youthful and slim body.

Are you Already Eating Raw? Are You Getting the Benefits or Are You Still Struggling?

Read the introduction from the book "The Raw Secrets":

"Radical ideas have much more power than common advice. But in their power lies the danger. Like an explosive charge, radical ideas must be handled carefully.

The raw vegan diet is such an idea. It can save your life. It can help banish “incurable” conditions. It can help you feel great all the time. It can give back your joy of living. It can give an entirely different direction to your life or turn it upside down.

But the practical application may be difficult. Pitfalls line the path of raw eating. Many people have fallen into them — and they will continue falling into them until they know what these pitfalls are, and how to spot and avoid them.

Some people are damaging their health by eating the raw food diet incorrectly. Mostly, this is because they received poor or confusing advice. This book is my antidote to the false information that is being spread in the raw food movement, hurting people as it goes. This is the book I wish someone had handed to me in 1997 when I started on this path.

My dietary adventures have led me to write The Raw Secrets. Even though I had experienced benefits in eating a raw food diet immediately, my personal experience with it has not been an instant success story. It has been one of the most positive things I have ever undertaken — but it has also been a struggle. So before revealing my findings, I wish to share with you my story."

To read the rest of this introduction, click here.

You can also get a FREE Online Mini-Course
"Health & Energy With The Raw Vegan Diet"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

raw foods? the only raw foods i could eat are fruits and most vegetables (just not broccoli)